Interface Procedure

All Known Implementing Classes:
AncestorsOfProcedure, ComputeTableStatsProcedure, CreateChangelogViewProcedure, ExpireSnapshotsProcedure, FastForwardBranchProcedure, RemoveOrphanFilesProcedure, RewritePositionDeleteFilesProcedure, RewriteTablePathProcedure

public interface Procedure
An interface representing a stored procedure available for execution.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    call(org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow args)
    Executes this procedure.
    default String
    Returns the description of this procedure.
    Returns the type of rows produced by this procedure.
    Returns the input parameters of this procedure.
  • Method Details

    • parameters

      ProcedureParameter[] parameters()
      Returns the input parameters of this procedure.
    • outputType

      org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType outputType()
      Returns the type of rows produced by this procedure.
    • call

      org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow[] call(org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow args)
      Executes this procedure.

      Spark will align the provided arguments according to the input parameters defined in parameters() either by position or by name before execution.

      Implementations may provide a summary of execution by returning one or many rows as a result. The schema of output rows must match the defined output type in outputType().

      args - input arguments
      the result of executing this procedure with the given arguments
    • description

      default String description()
      Returns the description of this procedure.